I "engineered" these pens using .410 gauge, 28 gauge, and 20 gauge once fired shot shells fitted to three pen kit styles from Woodcraft (from left to right: Atlas, Wall St. II, and Premium Cigar). Obviously, each kit had to be significantly altered to work with these hulls.
Another twist on the standard pen (acrylic) is shown in the following set of pictures. I glued two acrylic pen blanks together, cut the excess from both sides (creating a new square blank), heated and twisted the blanks as shown, and followed the usual process to make the pen shown below. I made this pen for the US principal of Veritas Christian School, Richmond, VA. It is supposed to represent the school's colors.
I believe my wife suggested that a similar process could result in a pen looking like a candy cane, so I made the pen in the picture below for her.