Sylvia retired in 2005, and now has lots of time to devote to various hobbies:



She has spent the last five years researching the Elchinger family’s roots; for more information about Elchingers world-wide, click here.



Some of Sylvia’s favorite genealogy links are:


Sylvia specializes in German research, and is currently a volunteer with the BYU Immigrant Ancestor Project, extracting information from German emigration documents.



Sylvia sews, quilts, knits, crochets, and does other fine needlework. Sylvia belongs to a knitting group at her church that makes hats and mittens for children in Romania.


Here are some recent samples of her work.







Sylvia has been baking forever, it seems. In fact, a couple of her high school classmates recently emailed her and asked if she was still baking. Is she ever! Every year at Christmas, Sylvia makes – and gives away – 20 or more different types of cookies and candies. She has several standard cookies that she bakes each year, but is always on the lookout for new recipes to tempt the taste buds. Want some?